Sunday, June 22, 2008

The French hippies....or something like that

So, happy belated 21 of June to all!

Yesterday was a big French holiday which celebrates the summer solstice. So, in celebration, the school that the children go to (the Steiner Woldorf school) had a big party!

So, Sarah, Fiona and I tagged along with the fam and got the chance to see what their school is like. It was amazing! Steiner Woldorf schools are independant schools which are pretty much run by the parents so its nice because everything there had a homey feel to it. The school itself is tucked away in the woods and is comprised of just a couple of small, cabin-like houses. It was an idilic setting.

So, after standing around awkwardly for a couple of minutes watching the parents run around trying to get everything ready for the party, we decided to jump right in and help out!

It could have gone a little better. I frantically followed this french woman around, who was very nice, but after a couple of minutes I realized I was left in charge of maning the crêpes table and I didn't know how much to charge for them or how they wanted me to make a crêpe!!

Eventually, someone took my place and saved me! Sarah and Fiona returned and we walked around and looked at all the games! It was so refreshing to see everyone just so down-to-earth. The games that the kids played were so simple, not flashy at all. Like, one of them was just a man dressed like a lumberjack and the kids picked different strength nails and hammered them into some wood. Ok, the way that I put that makes it sound really lame.....but in actuality.....they were really creative and all the kids had SO much fun.

The moms there reminded me of my sister, krista, because they all wore those baby-carrying things, the ones that kinda look like wombs, and most of them wore beautiful flowing clothing and had piercings and tattoes......I died and went to hippie heaven!

After all of the games....On a mangé! (we ate!) They sold tons of quiches for the meal, which was fantastic! I swear, I think every french person is secretely a master chef! I had a tomato quiche, with veggies, a glass of Sangria and some kind of cheese-cake like thing for dessert to top it off.

After the food and some singing.....we started the fire! Apparently, in Southern France on the 21 of June everyone has a big bonfire. Why, i don't really know. I have asked MANY french people this and no one seems to really know. Its just some kind of pagan tradition that was once turned into a christian holiday (its also known as the day of Saint Jean). So, they sing these songs around the fire.....the songs are pretty much just about how they love France and they were beautiful. After that....everyone jumps over the fire!! I couldn't believe it but literally, EVERYONE jumps over. Men, women, children, women holding babies....literally everyone! Even an american with two brits!

So, I had my first fire-jumping experience and it was pretty cool.

alright....its late....and there so much more i want to say but physical work is calling me in the wee hours of the must sleep.

until next time,


Diana said...


your experiences in france sound unreal. i miss you! big trip in august?


Krista said...

Kelly! I love reading about your adventures! I can just imagine you hanging out with the "French Hippies"...I'm sure you fit in perfectly! Miss you and looking forward to hearing more!

Miriam said...

thanks for adding the links to other blogs. It is fun keeping up with everyone. Krista garden blog really does look great.
take care